Full grain leather for equestrian saddlery, harness, leather goods, farriery, saddlery, cutlery, and for all leather craftsmen
Saddle leathers dedicated to Equestrian Saddles and Horse Harnessing
Are you a saddler or a harness maker looking for the ideal full grain leather for horse saddles and harness? Your tannery specialising in saddle leather offers you a complete range of eco-responsible full grain leathers from targeted breeding farms.

Full grain saddle leather for leather goods
For the creation of your belts, wallets, key rings, knife cases, bags, etc. Ideal leathers for marking, moulding, hammering, but also for embossing with our natural Pykara leather.

Leather pieces and leather parts
Leather straps, leather strips, quarter leather shoulder, half shoulders, shoulders, half back, butts, full hides and half hides,
The choice is yours!

Natural and eco-responsible leathers
Natural beige vegetable-tanned leather in the purest tradition

Advice & guide from your tannery
How to recognise vegetable tanned leather? Which care for leather ? What are leather working tools ?

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