Radermecker Tannery® makes a natural, robust and authentic saddle leather , the result of the know-how of our craftsmen.

Our artisans tanners

Our leathers are the fruit of 150 years of experience. Our craftsmanship has been passed down from generation to generation with a common objective: to enhance the essence of the leather at each stage of its production.

> Discover our tanners

Our eco-responsible approach

Our eco-responsible approach is one of the main objectives of Radermecker Tannery and this by buying its leather from targeted farms, working it in a natural way with a modernized production tool during our move in 2020 and by treating its waste in an organic way.

> Discover our eco-responsible approach

Our Certified Crafts label

Radermecker Tannery is recognized by the Certified Crafts label. What is the Certified Crafts label?

> Discover our Certified Crafts label

We talk about us

Seen, heard, read. People talk about Radermecker Tannery in the press, on social networks, on TV, etc... There are successes that we like to share

> Discover all the press articles, videos... that talk about our tannery