Certifed craft label, a guarantee of quality

The delicate craft of full grain leather

RADERMECKER Tannery is recognised by the Certifed craft label.

What is the Certifed craft label?

Certifed craft label awarded to Radermecker Tannery


The creation of the Certified craft label  was initiated by the FPS Economy. In Belgium, since June 1st 2016, craftsmen and craftswomen can request a legal recognition in order to highlight their activity and their know-how. In February 2017, RADERMECKER Tannery proudly obtained the Certified Craft Label.




Who can obtain the Certifed craft label?

Any company that employs fewer than 20 workers can apply for the Certified Craft Label. The activity must be manual and authentic and demonstrate know-how based on quality, tradition or innovation.

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