The different types and names of leather
Real leather or synthetic leather? The type of leather used is a fundamental factor in determining the value of your leather item. Today, the...
Browse through Radermecker Tannery articles and find a wealth of information on leather care and leather working for craftsmen and enthusiasts.
Real leather or synthetic leather? The type of leather used is a fundamental factor in determining the value of your leather item. Today, the...
The production and use of leather has a bad reputation among radical environmentalists. There are many benefits to be weighed against the production and use of leather...
A request from consumers, not yet compulsory for hides. Radermecker Tannery explains its approach to leather traceability at the time of the...
Why can aniline finished leather only be a very good quality leather?
Have you ever wondered about the price of leather? Why do some leathers or leather goods cost more than others? The price...
Radermecker Tannery reveals its technique: the dilution technique.
How is the strength, finish, shades, durability of the leather and all the qualities of an aniline finish controlled?
For your leather goods projects, we offer 2 leathers: Niagara and Pykara in nshoulder. But what are the differences between these 2 leathers?
Two expert clients: Mr Eric Deneken - Eden Esprit Cuir & Mrs Laetitia Lauwerie - Sellerie Bourrellerie Laetitia, explain the different tools for working with leather.
Radermecker Tannery reveals its technique: the flame technique.
Your creations are made with our leathers, indicate the origin of the leather on your creations with this label
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