Antoine Fors Farrier
Presentation of Antoine Fors Farrier
Mr Antoine Fors is a 21 year old contracter based in Jalhay, Belgium. He set up as a farrier for 1 year. Mr Antoine Fors works for several renowned stud farms in Belgium such as Haras Saint Roch & Bernister Stud.
Mr Antoine Fors also has the chance to work in Europe, for example for Gut Einhaus Verwaltungs in Germany, but also to participate in the Sunshine Tour, where some of the best riders in the world are present
Testimony of Mr Antoine Fors Farrier
"Radermecker horse pads are of an exceptional quality, flexibility even after 7-8 weeks, and whatever the conditions (humidity, drought, rocky soil), very easy to work with."
Mr Antoine Fors Farrier