Vegetable-tanned flaps leather for horse saddles

Printed GAVARNIE  flaps leather is a full grainvegetable tannedleather,semi-aniline finishblack & coffee. It is grained with Peccary grain. It is used for equestrian saddle flaps. 

Sellerie Tartaud

Presentation of Sellerie Tartaud

Sellerie Tartaud Training Centre It is in the Hérault in France, that Mrs Cécile Tartaud and Mr Yves Tartaud, passionate about horses, have their training center in saddlery and harness : Sellerie Tartaud. More than 20 years of craftsmanship as a master saddlerand more than 10 years' experience in training, they train the saddlers artisans of tomorrow.


Equestrian saddle made by Sellerie Tartaud training centre

Sellerie Tartaud offers both technical and practical training in the in the profession of harness maker, with a specialisation in saddles specialization and in a harnesses specialization.


Testimony of Sellerie Tartaud

Saddle made by Sellerie Tartaud

"Saddlery and harness training center located in the Hérault, we have been using Radermecker leathers for many years for their quality and rendering. We were won over by the new Printed Gavarnie flaps leather which is particularity pleasant to work"


Equestrian saddle made by Sellerie Tartaud training centre

"As a training centre, we are committed to passing on the traditional skills of French saddlery and our trainees appreciate being able to work with high quality leathers from the start of their training. We used the new Gavarnie Grainé quarter leather during our "English saddle making" training course to make the large quarters, small quarters and false quarters: its hold and finish are impeccable!"
Mr Yves Tartaud, Master saddler - Tartaud Saddlery training centre


Reports on Sellerie Tartaud

Report on the 1pm news on TF1

Discover this beautiful report on Sellerie Tartaud on the 1pm news TF1 realized in 2017:

AggloTV report

Discover also this beautiful report made by AggloTV last October: Watch the report

Report Sellerie Tartaud AggloTV


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